
00001 /*
00002  * testcall: make a single test call with IAXCLIENT
00003  *
00004  * IAX Support for talking to Asterisk and other Gnophone clients
00005  *
00006  * Copyright (C) 1999, Linux Support Services, Inc.
00007  *
00008  * Mark Spencer <markster@linux-support.net>
00009  *
00010  * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of
00011  * the GNU Lesser (Library) General Public License
00012  */
00014 /* #define      PRINTCHUCK /\* enable this to indicate chucked incomming packets *\/ */
00016 #include <stdio.h>
00017 #include <stdlib.h>
00018 #include <string.h>
00019 #include <fcntl.h>
00020 #include <stdio.h>
00021 #include <time.h>
00022 #include <ctype.h>
00023 #ifndef _MSC_VER
00024 #include <unistd.h>
00025 #endif
00026 #include <signal.h>
00028 #include "iaxclient.h"
00030 #define LEVEL_INCREMENT 0.10
00032 /* static int answered_call; */
00033 static char *output_filename = NULL;
00034 static char *username = NULL;
00035 static char *password = NULL;
00036 static char *host = NULL;
00037 int do_levels = 0;
00038 int intercom = 0;
00039 int initialized = 0;
00040 int reg_id = 0;
00042 /* routine called at exit to shutdown audio I/O and close nicely.
00043 NOTE: If all this isnt done, the system doesnt not handle this
00044 cleanly and has to be rebooted. What a pile of doo doo!! */
00045 void killem(void)
00046 {
00047         if (initialized)
00048                 iaxc_shutdown();
00049         if (reg_id){
00050                    iaxc_unregister(reg_id);
00051         }
00052         return;
00053 }
00055 void signal_handler(int signum)
00056 {
00057         if ( signum == SIGTERM || signum == SIGINT ) 
00058         {
00059                 killem();
00060                 exit(0);
00061         }
00062 }
00064 void fatal_error(char *err) {
00065         killem();
00066         fprintf(stderr, "FATAL ERROR: %s\n", err);
00067         exit(1);
00068 }
00070 void mysleep(void)
00071 {
00072         iaxc_millisleep(10);
00073 }
00075 int state_event_callback(struct iaxc_ev_call_state call){
00076     if((call.state & IAXC_CALL_STATE_RINGING))
00077     {
00078                 printf("Receiving Incoming Call Request...\n");
00079                 if ( intercom ) 
00080                 {
00081                         printf("Intercom mode, answer automatically\n");
00082                         return iaxc_select_call(call.callNo);
00083                 }
00084     }
00085     return 0;
00086 }
00087 int levels_callback(float input, float output) {
00088     if(do_levels) fprintf(stderr, "IN: %f OUT: %f\n", input, output);
00089     return 0;
00090 }
00092 int netstat_callback(struct iaxc_ev_netstats n) {
00093     static int i;
00094     if(i++%25 == 0)
00095         fprintf(stderr, "RTT\t"
00096             "Rjit\tRlos%%\tRlosC\tRpkts\tRdel\tRdrop\tRooo\t"
00097             "Ljit\tLlos%%\tLlosC\tLpkts\tLdel\tLdrop\tLooo\n"
00098             );
00100     fprintf(stderr, "%d\t"
00101           "%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t"
00102           "%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",
00104             n.rtt,
00106             n.remote.jitter,
00107             n.remote.losspct,
00108             n.remote.losscnt,
00109             n.remote.packets,
00110             n.remote.delay,
00111             n.remote.dropped,
00112             n.remote.ooo,
00114             n.local.jitter,
00115             n.local.losspct,
00116             n.local.losscnt,
00117             n.local.packets,
00118             n.local.delay,
00119             n.local.dropped,
00120             n.local.ooo
00121     );
00123     return 0;
00124 }
00126 int iaxc_callback(iaxc_event e)
00127 {
00128     switch(e.type) {
00129         case IAXC_EVENT_LEVELS:
00130             return levels_callback(e.ev.levels.input, e.ev.levels.output);
00131         case IAXC_EVENT_NETSTAT:
00132             return netstat_callback(e.ev.netstats);
00133         case IAXC_EVENT_TEXT:
00134             return 0; // don't handle
00135         case IAXC_EVENT_STATE:
00136             return state_event_callback(e.ev.call);
00137         default:
00138             return 0;  // not handled
00139     }
00140 }
00142 void list_devices()
00143 {
00144     struct iaxc_audio_device *devs;
00145     int nDevs, input, output, ring;
00146     int i;
00148     iaxc_audio_devices_get(&devs,&nDevs, &input, &output, &ring);
00149     for(i=0;i<nDevs;i++) {
00150         fprintf(stderr, "DEVICE ID=%d NAME=%s CAPS=%lx\n", devs[i].devID, devs[i].name, devs[i].capabilities);
00151     }
00152 }
00154 void usage()
00155 { 
00156     fprintf(stderr, "Usage: testcall [-?] [-v] [-i] [-s SILENCE_THRESHOLD] [-u USERNAME -p PASSWORD -h HOST]\n");
00157     exit(1);
00158 }
00160 int main(int argc, char **argv)
00161 {
00162         FILE *f;
00163         char c;
00164         int i;
00165         char *dest = NULL;
00166         double silence_threshold = -99;
00167         double level;
00169         f = stdout;
00171         for(i=1;i<argc;i++)
00172         {
00173            if(argv[i][0] == '-') 
00174            {
00175               switch(tolower(argv[i][1]))
00176               {
00177                 case '?':
00178                   usage();
00179                   break;
00180                 case 'v':
00181                   do_levels = 1;
00182                   break;
00183                 case 'i':
00184                   intercom = 1;
00185                   break;
00186                 case 's':
00187                   if(i+1 >= argc) usage();
00188                   silence_threshold = atof(argv[++i]);
00189                   break;
00190                 case 'u':
00191                   if(i+1 >= argc) usage();
00192                   username = argv[++i];
00193                   break;
00194                 case 'p':
00195                   if(i+1 >= argc) usage();
00196                   password = argv[++i];
00197                   break;
00198                 case 'h':
00199                   if(i+1 >= argc) usage();
00200                   host = argv[++i];
00201                   break;
00203                 default:
00204                   usage();
00205               }
00206             } else {
00207               dest=argv[i];
00208             }
00209         }
00212         printf("settings: \n");
00213         printf("\tsilence threshold: %f\n", silence_threshold);
00214         printf("\tlevel output: %s\n", do_levels ? "on" : "off");
00216         /* activate the exit handler */
00217         atexit(killem);
00219         /* install signal handler to catch CRTL-Cs */
00220         signal(SIGINT, signal_handler);
00221         signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler);
00223         if ( iaxc_initialize(1) ) fatal_error("cannot initialize iaxclient!");
00224         initialized = 1;
00227 //      iaxc_set_formats(IAXC_FORMAT_SPEEX,IAXC_FORMAT_SPEEX);
00228         iaxc_set_formats(IAXC_FORMAT_GSM,IAXC_FORMAT_GSM);
00229         //iaxc_set_formats(IAXC_FORMAT_ULAW,IAXC_FORMAT_ULAW);
00231         iaxc_set_silence_threshold(silence_threshold);
00233         list_devices();
00235         //if(do_levels)
00236           iaxc_set_event_callback(iaxc_callback); 
00239         fprintf(f, "\n\
00240             TestCall accept some keyboard input while it's running.\n\
00241             You must hit 'enter' for your keypresses to be recognized,\n\
00242             although you can type more than one key on a line\n\
00243 \n\
00244             q: hangup and exit.\n\
00245             a: answer incoming call\n\
00246             t: terminate call\n\
00247             0-9 * or #: dial those DTMF digits.\n\
00248             g: increase input level\n\
00249             b: decrease input level\n\
00250             h: increase output level\n\
00251             n: decrease output level\n\
00252             Enter: display current audio levels\n");
00253         if(dest) {
00254             fprintf(f, "Calling %s\n", dest);
00256             iaxc_call(dest);
00257         }
00259         iaxc_start_processing_thread();
00261         if (username && password && host)
00262                    reg_id = iaxc_register(username, password, host);
00264         printf("ready for keyboard input\n");
00266         if(output_filename) {
00267             for(;;)
00268               iaxc_millisleep(10*1000);
00269         }
00270         while((c = getc(stdin))) 
00271         {
00272             switch (tolower(c)) 
00273             {
00274             case 'a':
00275                         printf("Answering call 0\n");
00276                         iaxc_select_call(0);
00277                 break;  
00278             case 'g':
00279                 level = iaxc_input_level_get();
00280                 level += LEVEL_INCREMENT;
00281                 if ( level > 1.00 ) level = 1.00;
00282                 printf("Increasing input level to %f\n", level);
00283                 iaxc_input_level_set(level);
00284                 break;
00285             case 'b':
00286                 level = iaxc_input_level_get();
00287                 level -= LEVEL_INCREMENT;
00288                 if ( level < 0 ) level = 0.00;
00289                 printf("Decreasing input level to %f\n", level);
00290                 iaxc_input_level_set(level);
00291                 break;
00292             case 'h': 
00293                 level = iaxc_output_level_get();
00294                 level += LEVEL_INCREMENT;
00295                 if ( level > 1.00 ) level = 1.00;
00296                 printf("Increasing output level to %f\n", level);
00297                 iaxc_output_level_set(level);
00298                 break;
00299             case 'n':
00300                 level = iaxc_output_level_get();
00301                 level -= LEVEL_INCREMENT;
00302                 if ( level < 0 ) level = 0.00;
00303                 printf("Decreasing output level to %f\n", level);
00304                 iaxc_output_level_set(level);
00305                 break;
00306             case 'q':
00307                         printf("Hanging up and exiting\n");
00308                         iaxc_dump_call();
00309                         iaxc_millisleep(1000);
00310                         iaxc_stop_processing_thread();
00311                         exit(0);
00312                 break;
00313                 case 't':
00314                          printf("Terminating call 0\n");
00315                          iaxc_dump_call();
00316                          break;
00317             case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5':
00318             case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case '0':
00319             case '#': case '*':
00320                         printf ("sending %c\n", c);
00321                         iaxc_send_dtmf(c);
00322                 break;
00323             case '\r':
00324                 break;
00325             case '\n':
00326                 printf("Input level = %f -- Output level = %f\n", iaxc_input_level_get(), iaxc_output_level_get());
00327                 break;
00328             default:
00329                 printf("Unknown command '%c'\n", c);
00330             }
00331         }
00333         return 0;
00334 }

Generated on Mon Sep 24 15:43:29 2007 for IAXClient by  doxygen 1.5.3