iaxc_call Struct Reference

Data Fields

struct iaxc_audio_codecencoder
struct iaxc_audio_codecdecoder
struct iaxc_video_codecvencoder
struct iaxc_video_codecvdecoder
int vformat
int state
char remote [IAXC_EVENT_BUFSIZ]
char remote_name [IAXC_EVENT_BUFSIZ]
char local [IAXC_EVENT_BUFSIZ]
char local_context [IAXC_EVENT_BUFSIZ]
char callerid_name [IAXC_EVENT_BUFSIZ]
char callerid_number [IAXC_EVENT_BUFSIZ]
struct timeval last_activity
struct timeval last_ping
int format
int tx_silent
struct iax_session * session

Detailed Description

Definition at line 201 of file iaxclient_lib.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Mon Sep 24 15:43:30 2007 for IAXClient by  doxygen 1.5.3