iaxc_event Struct Reference

A structure describing a single IAXClient event. More...

#include <iaxclient.h>

Data Fields

iaxc_event_struct * 
 Points to the next entry in the event queue.
int type
 The type uses one of the IAXC_EVENT_{} macros to describe which type of event is being presented.
union {
   struct iaxc_ev_levels   levels
 Contains level data if type = IAXC_EVENT_LEVELS.
   struct iaxc_ev_text   text
 Contains text data if type = IAXC_EVENT_TEXT.
   struct iaxc_ev_call_state   call
 Contains call state data if type = IAXC_EVENT_STATE.
   struct iaxc_ev_netstats   netstats
 Contains network statistics if type = IAXC_EVENT_NETSTAT.
iaxc_ev_video_stats   videostats
 Contains video statistics if type = IAXC_EVENT_VIDEOSTATS.
   struct iaxc_ev_url   url
 Contains url data if type = IAXC_EVENT_URL.
   struct iaxc_ev_video   video
 Contains video data if type = IAXC_EVENT_VIDEO.
   struct iaxc_ev_audio   audio
 Contains audio data if type = IAXC_EVENT_AUDIO.
iaxc_ev_registration   reg
 Contains registration data if type = AXC_EVENT_REGISTRATION.
 Contains the data specific to the type of event.

Detailed Description

A structure describing a single IAXClient event.

Definition at line 538 of file iaxclient.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Mon Sep 24 15:43:30 2007 for IAXClient by  doxygen 1.5.3