iaxc_video_stats Struct Reference

A structure containing video statistics data. More...

#include <iaxclient.h>

Data Fields

unsigned long received_slices
 Number of received slices.
unsigned long acc_recv_size
 Accumulated size of inbound slices.
unsigned long sent_slices
 Number of sent slices.
unsigned long acc_sent_size
 Accumulated size of outbound slices.
unsigned long dropped_frames
 Number of frames dropped by the codec (incomplete frames).
unsigned long inbound_frames
 Number of frames decoded by the codec (complete frames).
unsigned long outbound_frames
 Number of frames sent to the encoder.
float avg_inbound_fps
 Average fps of inbound complete frames.
unsigned long avg_inbound_bps
 Average inbound bitrate.
float avg_outbound_fps
 Average fps of outbound frames.
unsigned long avg_outbound_bps
 Average outbound bitrate.
struct timeval start_time
 Timestamp of the moment we started measuring.

Detailed Description

A structure containing video statistics data.

Definition at line 344 of file iaxclient.h.

Field Documentation

unsigned long iaxc_video_stats::received_slices

Number of received slices.

Definition at line 346 of file iaxclient.h.

unsigned long iaxc_video_stats::acc_recv_size

Accumulated size of inbound slices.

Definition at line 347 of file iaxclient.h.

unsigned long iaxc_video_stats::sent_slices

Number of sent slices.

Definition at line 348 of file iaxclient.h.

unsigned long iaxc_video_stats::acc_sent_size

Accumulated size of outbound slices.

Definition at line 349 of file iaxclient.h.

unsigned long iaxc_video_stats::dropped_frames

Number of frames dropped by the codec (incomplete frames).

Definition at line 351 of file iaxclient.h.

unsigned long iaxc_video_stats::inbound_frames

Number of frames decoded by the codec (complete frames).

Definition at line 352 of file iaxclient.h.

unsigned long iaxc_video_stats::outbound_frames

Number of frames sent to the encoder.

Definition at line 353 of file iaxclient.h.

float iaxc_video_stats::avg_inbound_fps

Average fps of inbound complete frames.

Definition at line 355 of file iaxclient.h.

unsigned long iaxc_video_stats::avg_inbound_bps

Average inbound bitrate.

Definition at line 356 of file iaxclient.h.

float iaxc_video_stats::avg_outbound_fps

Average fps of outbound frames.

Definition at line 357 of file iaxclient.h.

unsigned long iaxc_video_stats::avg_outbound_bps

Average outbound bitrate.

Definition at line 358 of file iaxclient.h.

struct timeval iaxc_video_stats::start_time [read]

Timestamp of the moment we started measuring.

Definition at line 360 of file iaxclient.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Mon Sep 24 15:43:30 2007 for IAXClient by  doxygen 1.5.3